Truk Lagoon

Shotan profile

Shotan Maru
This is a medium sized freighter built to Standard 1D in 1942, a wartime design. The ship sank quickly after a bomb hit in aft hold. The name of Matsutan Maru is linked with this wreck, but analysis seems to favor Shotan Maru. There are the remains of 2 trucks across deck, but they are now in a poor state. The holds contain a large mobile compressor, stacks of shells and bags of cement. There is a stern gun in place and most railings are intact.
 Tonnage  1,999 ts
Max depth 53m (estimated)
My max depth 49m
Ship lies upright
Carol’s notes
Max depth: 49.7m    Total dive time: 79min     my rating: ***
Deco: 4min@9m, 9min@6m, 25min@3m, +7min safety
The book says it’s probably the Matsutan but admits it’s not sure, the locals reckon it’s the Shotan. Down first hold to ammo shells, through to second hold, back to first and up, so I missed the trucks at the top of the second hold. I let Nick guide me to the stern gun. As a ‘guide’ I reckon he was feeling a bit redundant as we tended to wander off by ourselves. One hold was full of rocks, which I was told afterwards were bags of cement. I  must get prescription lenses for my mask!