Truk Lagoon

Kansho profile
Kansho Maru
Medium sized 5 hold freighter. Sunk by torpedo hit on hold one and bomb hit on stern. Engine room very nice, gun on bow, bridge with telegraph. This ship had been used to transport “special” cargoes. Most of holds now empty. another wreck that can be murky.
Tonnage  4,861 ts
Max depth  40m
My max depth 35m
Resting upright with small list to port

 Carol’s notes
Max depth: 33.9m    Total dive time: 44min
Straight down into a hold with Jo, nothing but blackness below at 33m so came out. That’ll teach us to follow the guide! Went forward to bow gun. Met up with Nick and followed him inside. Entered very impressive engine room via doorway, along a hanging companionway and out through another doorway. I love this stuff! Came out through galley with tiled floor and pots & pans on an aga-like stove. Rear to stern gun.